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Doom Black Screen On Startup

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by gardbarpore1974 2020. 1. 24. 12:59


Doom Black Screen On Startup Doom Black Screen On Startup

I tried running the game as a admin, didn't work.I tried running steam as a admin, didn't work.I tried verifying game cache via steam, didn't work.I tried downloading the drivers pinned on this thread, couldn't because my drivers are not compatible with that version.I tried using the launch commands, from -window to +comskipIntroVideo 1, still didn't workI tried turning off steam overlay, still didn't work.Anyone know the fix? My driver is currently at version: 375.95and my system specs are the followingDx version: 12Gpu: geforce gtx 1060Cpu: intel i7-6700hq cpu @ 2.60ghz(8 cpus), 2.6ghzI should be able to run this game perfectly fine. Anyone know why I am experiancing this problem? Is the doom client at fault or am I missing a key file to run the game which wasn't picked up as missing?

Originally posted by:Make sure game isn't launching with your Processors integrated graphics chipset.Also if that doesn't work. Uninstall your drivers and use a driver sweeper in safemode to get rid of remaining driver files, then install new drivers in normal windows boot.If those don't work make add rrenderapi 0 in launch options, perhaps its launching in Vulkan and not working properly. Adding renderapi to 0 will force launch OpenGL instead. None of those worked.I managed to narrow it down to either how the game is optimized or a g-sync related issue.Because while I did manage to get into the game and I was experiencing no problems playing the game. I noticed that the loading times where abit faster when my gsync was forced off yet it was still slugging behind, even though when I'm actually in the game playing, I am experiencing no issues gameplay wise and my fps is always over 60.Now during the start up, which is the black screen issue I am referring too in my original posting. I have noticed that if I waited a good 2-5 minutes the black screen will go away and the intro videos and such will run as normal.

Yet during those blackscreen moments I have noticed that my cpu was being sent unreasonably high numbers during those moments in time, according to the in-game stats things. For instance during one of the black screens during the start up, the one I get just prior to entering the main menu that is.

May 23, 2016  I've played Doom 2016 up until the last level. Tried all the fixes Uninstall video drivers bumped up Virtual RAM, uninstalled and reinstalled the game. It started out with it hanging on the Bathesda screen, now after all this i just get a black screen. I have a very good system, lots of RAM, Cpu is good, video card is great. The Black Screen of Doom. When I boot normally, after the Windows Logo, I just get a black screen. Ctrl+Alt+Del does not work. Task Manager does not work. Right click does not work. Shortcuts period do not work. Only thing I can do is move the mouse around. I can boot into Safe Mode fine. And I have tried to use System Restore from before the.

This is what the client is sending my pc is experiencing, according to these numbersThen there is another issue which seems rather minor when looking at the previous screenshot. While running the game on all ultra graphics and no other changes besides it either running on Vulkan or OpenGL.

Eu4 Black Screen On Startup

I noticed that my computer isn't being bombarded while running it in Vulkan, yet is somehow is bombarded while running it in OpenGL.Vulkan:OpenGL:Based on all of this, I think I can conclude that it is indeed the clients issue and not my computer as I am capable of running titanfall 2, battlefield 1, and etc. On all max settings with no issues, nor black screens. So, I think it's best I file a refund but again. I am open to further advise on how might I be capable of fixing it. Though I must warn you, that I am already at 69 minutes and do not wish to go over the 2 hour mark.

Its normal for CPU to work harder with OpenGL. That's the whole reason Vulkan is actually so effective at increasing performance because the API reduces CPU overheads and software can talk directly to hardware. This is why your CPU usage is much lower on Vulkan.

That's completely normal.This is why AMD video cards get a huge boost when running Vulkan. Because AMD drivers have always had issues with CPU overheads, which reduces performance greatly. Vulkan eliminates that overhead so much that AMD's mostly get a 30+ FPS increase when switching to Vulkan with this game. Originally posted by:Its normal for CPU to work harder with OpenGL. That's the whole reason Vulkan is actually so effective at increasing performance because the API reduces CPU overheads and software can talk directly to hardware. This is why your CPU usage is much lower on Vulkan.


That's completely normal.This is why AMD video cards get a huge boost when running Vulkan. Because AMD drivers have always had issues with CPU overheads, which reduces performance greatly. Vulkan eliminates that overhead so much that AMD's mostly get a 30+ FPS increase when switching to Vulkan with this game.

So, there is never going to be a fix for my issue then? Originally posted by:Its normal for CPU to work harder with OpenGL.

That's the whole reason Vulkan is actually so effective at increasing performance because the API reduces CPU overheads and software can talk directly to hardware. This is why your CPU usage is much lower on Vulkan. That's completely normal.This is why AMD video cards get a huge boost when running Vulkan. Because AMD drivers have always had issues with CPU overheads, which reduces performance greatly.

Vulkan eliminates that overhead so much that AMD's mostly get a 30+ FPS increase when switching to Vulkan with this game. So, there is never going to be a fix for my issue then?The black screen at startup I believe is normal and happens to everyone, though how long it is for you is not normal.Do you have the game installed on a HDD instead of SSD?also how fast are you RAM sticks?Because it seems loading the game just takes awhile and the two culprits would be HDD and RAM. CPU usage just goes way up because its loading everything from HDD into RAM, that's normal. Originally posted by:So, there is never going to be a fix for my issue then?The black screen at startup I believe is normal and happens to everyone, though how long it is for you is not normal.Do you have the game installed on a HDD instead of SSD?also how fast are you RAM sticks?Because it seems loading the game just takes awhile and the two culprits would be HDD and RAM. CPU usage just goes way up because its loading everything from HDD into RAM, that's normal. The game was installed on my D drive and not my C drive. Dunno about HDD or SSD though.

Originally posted by:Awe that sucks dude. If it was higher originally and you switched it you might have to sign out and back in again for it to take effect. It's always been at 100%edit: (4 hours after post)I have decided to refund the game and the refund went through. I'm sure many have enjoyed the game but this issue was too big of a issue to just ignore. I thank the users above me who tried to assist me but to no avail. Thank you for the assistance but I have made my decision and will avoid purchasing this game in the near future. So.thank you but goodbye.

Originally posted by:I serched EVERY WHERE FOR AN ANSWER. I talked to my friend even who knows more about pcs than I.THE FIX FOR ME WAS TO DISABLE THE GEFORCE EXPERIENCE. I went to task manager and terminated the geforce expereince.TRY THIS AND IF THIS DOESNT WORK USE THE OTHER METHODS. I don't own the game anymore but since it seems like you know what might be the fix. I decided to mark your.ehm.

Doom Black Screen Reddit

very loud response as the answer to the thread.I, to this day. Still don't know what the issue was on my end but I refuse to rebuy this game due to this issue I had. I'm only making this reply because 1 of the users on my steam profile wanted to know what my issue was all those months ago.

Doom Black Screen On Startup